Requirements for Formation and Registration of a Private Limited Company in BVI

Formation of BVI Company - Incorporation Requirements


    Identify card or passport of all directors, shareholders and beneficial owners


    Residential address proof of all directors and shareholders and beneficial owners, such as utility bill, bank statements;


    Proposed name of the company;


    Amount of share capital (unless otherwise advised, all company will be incorporated with a standard share capital of USD 50,000) and percentage of shareholding by each shareholder, if more than one shareholder.

Incorporation Materials Available

1. Original copy of Certificate of Incorporation
2. Three (3) copies of Memorandum and Articles of Association
3. Ten (10) copies of share certificate
4. Register of Members and Register of Directors
5. Common Seal and company chop
6. Minutes for appointment of first director(s)

  • 擬用公司名稱不能與已在英屬處女島公司註冊處登記之名稱相同或太相似;
  • 英屬處女島公司必須最少有一位股東,一位董事;股東可以兼任董事。股東和董事都可以是自然人或者是法人團體,任何國藉之人士均可出任股東或董事;
  • 公司的註冊地址必須位於英屬處女島。註冊地址由本公司提供,註冊費用已經包含註冊地址服務費。
  • 本公司所出售之空殼公司的註冊資本一般爲50000股,而發行資本則爲一股(假設只有一個股東)。如果您欲增加註冊資本及發行資股,本公司可代爲辦理。
  • 如果您擬註冊公司的註冊資本超過50000股,註冊費是1,750美元。
  • 香港區內之文件快遞不另收費,香港區以外則另外收取文件快遞費用。